
Monday, 30 November 2020

Summer Learning Journey ( PRACTICE )


Task Description:
In this task we had to participate in the summer learning journey and do the practice activity. 

  •  choose an image to color. 
  • Download a copy to your Chromebook 
  • Take a screen shot of the original Art  
  • Describe why you chose a different color for one of the objects in the painting.
  • You can choose to make a copy of the template to display your Art. 

Friday, 27 November 2020


WALT: use BEDMAS to solve maths problems
Task Description:
In this task we had to use BEDMAS to solve maths problems that were given in our presentation. 

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Poetry ( If I Were a King / Queen )

WALT: Locate and summaries ideas within a range of texts
Task Description: For this task we had to locate and summaries ideas within a range of text.

Monday, 16 November 2020

Kiwi Kids News Read Off !!!

WALT - Locate and summaries ideas within a range of texts.
Task Description:  For each new article, copy the next 2 slides and complete a set per article. Post on blog each time to score 5 points for the read off!

Friday, 13 November 2020

Art Rotations ( Room 1 )

Task Description: Today for art rotations we recreated a painting called "stream " Which was created by Edvard Munch. This is my attempt on recreating this piece of art. It was really challenging considering the fact that we used pastels.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Gilbert Baker


Do you know Gilbert Baker? Have you heard of Gilbert Baker? Gilbert Baker is a well known protester as he started the protest for LGBTQ which stands for, lesiban, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. In his time he created “The Rainbow Flag” In 1978.

Gilbert Baker was born on June 2 , 1951 in Chanute Kansas, United States. He sadly passed on March 31, 2017 in New York. Gilberts ‘father was a judge and his mother was a teacher. He also served in the United States army for about two years from 1970 to 1972. He was also set as a medic in San Francisco at the beginning of the gay rights movement, and lived there as an openly gay man.

In the late 1960’s young gay men and lesbian women were arriving from all of the country in San Francisco and all over the world. Many of them fled the places where they were experiencing unbelievable violence, threats and repression. One of them was Gilbert Baker, Gilbert met someone named Cleve Jones and they were both young activists they both planned the 1977 San Francisco Gay Pride Event. Back then they called it “Gay Freedom Day” Where you get to be free and express who you are.

They were all a part of the circle of activists who were talking about needing a new symbol to express themselves and connect us all equally. And thats when Gilbert Baker came up with the idea of a rainbow flag. He showed his drawings and ideas to Cleve Jones and saw the power straight away, each color has its own meaning and a special significance. With a team of volunteers including Cleve and Gilbert they sewed and dyed the flags in preparation for “Gay Freedom Day” Which must’ve taken a long time meaning that this meant alot to them! During Gilbert Bakers time he designed and worked on his flag that he created as a Symbol that was for the LGBTQ community. Gilbert saw the rainbow as a natural flag from the sky, so he adopted eight colors for the stripes, each color with its own meaning (hot pink for gender, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, turquoise for art, indigo for harmony, and violet for spirit.

Conclusion: Gilbert Baker protests were successful in his time and still is till this day. There are Rainbow flags hung up all over the world still representing the LGBTQ but not only that but representing Gilbert Baker and his achievements in his years! :))

Friday, 16 October 2020

School Immersion Assembly

On Monday the 12th of October Pt England school came back together for Immersion Assembly. Every team did a video besides team 5 , they did a live act. Team 5 act was about the different types of beautiful statues / robot things in a Museum. Half of Team 5 teachers were wearing costumes. They explained what their character is about and where they were from.Mrs Moala and Mrs vaafusuaga were walking around as if they were in a museum taking a look at things.

Why do we need school?

 Why do we need school??

Have you ever been to school? Going to school should be interesting . Not only will you learn subjects but you will also learn new skills, including social skills. This is essay will explain how to get a good education , to get a job and to socialise with other students. 

( Body 1 ) To get a good job:  

Children go to school to get a good job. For an example if you want to be an accountant you are gonna have to learn how to calculate things in order to get that job. Life would be much easier if you go to school and learn things for your future job.

( Body 2 ) Good education:

Education gives us knowledge about the world around us. 

(Body 3 ) Socialise:

School gets students to socialise with other people. At school people make new friends every time. In order to socialise with other people you can make small talks or show a really good approachable body language .


So school is vital to urge a great job , a good education and to socialis. 

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Eleven ( Room 4 Literacy )

WALT: infer meaning from a text
Task Description: In this task we are practicing monitoring our reading and our understanding of grammar.

Taha Tinana

 Task Description:  I had to list the three sports I choose which were, rugby, netball, and cricket. Then I had to record a video of the three sports but in sign-language. 

Taha Hinengaro

Task Description: For this task I had to do cheerful, fun, and boring in sign-language to portray my feelings. For cheerful you kind of rub your hands together, for fun you are doing a thumbs up and touch your chin at that point you bring your thumbs down fair before your chest. For boring you fair do a huge tall five but put your fingers together and after that do the same thing and put your hand on your chin and bring it down before your chest 2x.

Taha Whanau

Task Description: For this Taha Whanau task I had to record myself or show how to spell my name with sign language.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Movie Time

Task Description: For this task we had to be confident to tell the time Digital and to be able to convert it in to the Analog time. Here's my working out , feel free to leave a positive comment!!! :)))0                                 

Finding My Place!

WALT: infer meaning from a text

Task Description:  In this task there was a book we had to read , not only to read but to be able to understand and explain what it means. After reading we had to complete a task that was given by our teacher. Feel free to leave a positive comment! :)

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

The Quest

WALT: infer meaning from a text

Task Description: In this task there was a book we had to read , not only to read but to be able to understand and explain what it means. After reading we had to complete a task that was given by our teacher. Feel free to leave a positive comment! :)

Friday, 21 August 2020

Dragons Eye ( Rotation 5 )

Task Description: In this task we had to read / act out and research the Dragons Eye lake and simply make a poster. In the poster it represents what the main things in the story was and on the side I shortened it down so it is easier for yous to read!! Stay Safe!

Cambodia Landmarks ( Rotation 4 )

Task Description:
In this task we had to research amazing landmarks in Cambodia. This is what me and my group found and thought we would like to share it with yous. Feel free to leave a comment :)

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Measurement - Estimation, Reading Scales

WALT: Estimate measurements and read different scales

Task Description For today's task we had to utilize distinctive sorts of scales to unravel the issues! It was a bit hard at first because I don't know much about measurement but I still managed to finish :) Feel free to leave a comment!! Stay safe everyone!

Monday, 10 August 2020

Yr 8 & Yr 7 ( Thoughts )

Task Description: In this task the leaders from the yr 7 and the yr 8 had to step up and explain what they loved about there experience and time. Here is what some of the yr 7 and yr 8 said.

Yr 8 Camp HIghlight

 My Yr 8 Leadership Camp Highlights was stepping out my comfort zone and trying new things such as GO KARTING!! Once we got there I was very anxious but once my friends went they came back saying it was very fun and that they didn't leave which made me more confident. It was my turn and my tummy was full of butterflies , I hoped in , buckled up and went away. I was feeling my self in that Go Kart I was going fast and laughing with joy and the same time. I guess my friends were right about not wanting to get off. I was buzzing with excitement for my second turn.

My second highlight was Air Riffles , I was excited because I had never tried Air Riffles before. We started off by drawing a target for us to shoot at. I drew a human as my target. We set everything up and began shooting. I thought I wasn't hitting it but after my 3 turns I went to my target and actually saw all the bullet holes.

My third highlight for cam was the jiggers. When we first got there it looked fun and looked like it's gonna go smooth , but once we went on it was more tiring then I expected.  The jiggers didn't got as smooth in fact it kept going off the trail. We all worked together on this one and at the end of the day we were all happy and TIRED!!

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Which Line Segment is the longest??

WALT: Work in a logical, sequence
Task Description: For this task we had to find out which line was longer. We first used the ruler and found out they were actually the same. We also had a couple of things in the room that we also had to

In Training

WALT: Working cooperatively with others in small groups

Task Description:
For this task we had to read a paper that was given bu our teacher , we then had to share a completed slideshow on our blog.

Monday, 3 August 2020

The Million Pound Bank note

WALT: Respond critically to literature

Task Description:
In this task we read a story about The Million Pound Bank Note by Mark Twain. After the long story we had to skim and scan and put the answers in the presentation. ( Our Task )

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Sam Bacon

Task Description:
Today we found out that kiwi Sailor Sam Bacon is donating clothes to our school to help us prepare for yr 8 camp. We are really GRATEFUL!! and would like to thank Mr Bacon

Monday, 27 July 2020

Leaning Tower Of Spaghetti

Today on Tuesday the 27th of July , Room 4 literacy finally came together after lock down to begin our first class back. Our task was a collaboration task so our reading group had to work together as a group. We had 4 items which were Spaghetti , String , Tape and Marshmallow. We had to build a very high tower put the Marshmallow on top and whoever's tower was the biggest and win.
( We Were the Winners ) This is what we came up with.


Friday, 24 July 2020

Greek Mythology ( Rotation 3 )

Part 2 is the second photo
Task Description: Today For inquiry we learnt about Greek Mythology. We learnt about the different Greek Gods , the Greek creation story and about Hermes. When Hermes was a baby he invented fire and lyre.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Jamaica / Blue Coffee ( Rotations 2 )

Task Description: In this task we studied about Jamaica , we also learnt about there Blue Coffee. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is a classification of coffee grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. The coffee was introduced to Jamaica in 1728.

Paul Bunyan ( Rotation 1 )

Task Description: For this task we learnt about Paul Bunyan , the giant Lumberjack. The giant Lumberjack is about 63 handle axes tall. He is the boss of a log crew , and can cut a tree down in one slice. He also crossed the country and was able to create 10,000 lakes across the USA.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Maths Wk 10 Term 2

WALT: place decimals on a number line

Task Description:
For this task we had to label and place where the answer will go on the number line. After its done we had to post it on our blog.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

It's not what you say Part 2

WALT: craft clear sentences

Task Description:
For this task we had to craft sentences to make them much more clear. For an example if you were on a online google meet and someone says "oh that a nice pattern" We have to be more clear about what we are gonna say. Sometimes when you see people talking to you they use body language facials and that sort of stuff which is much easier to understand.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Tectonic Plates

Task Description:
For this task we had to complete a task by skimming and scanning to find the key information about the task. We then had to answer all the questions in our on words and what we think it means.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Spheres of the Earth

WALT: summarise key information from a text + craft clear sentences
Task Description: For this task we had to summaries key information from a text + craft clear sentences.

Art of the Sentence

WALT: analyse the structure of a sentence.
Task Description:
 For this task we had to analyse the structure of a sentence. We then had to post it on our blog

The Goldilocks Zone

WALT: Skim and scan for key information
Task Description: For this task we had to skim and scan for the key points , as we answer the questions. I found this task very fun as I understood it more and learnt more interesting things.

Caption This!

WALT: craft clear sentences
Task Description: For this task we had to describe and be clear of what the photo is, we also had to a short explanation beside it. Then we had to post it on our blog with a Tittle , Task Description , Walt and labels

Maths T2 Week 2

WALT: collect and interpret data
Task Description: For this task we had to see how many people join the online meeting and also to see how many people are left handed and right handed. 

Thursday, 23 April 2020

We are the World!

Task Description: For this task we had to give information about the earth and tell them what we know and what we wanted to know. We had to ask Questions and watch videos. It was really fun doing this because I understood it more and I ha tons of fun.

Maths Graphs: Week 1 Term 2

WALT: interpret a range of statistical graphs

Task Description: For this task I had to skim through the questions to make sure that I understood this graph. As I went on I answered some and had to work on a few. But after I answered them all I posted it on my blog.

It's not what you say Week 1 Term 2

WALT: craft clear sentences

Task Description:For this task we had to answer some question but on my opinions. We also had to give information hot to have a really detailed conversation.

Structure Of Earth Week 1 Term 2

WALT: Skim and scan to locate information in a text

Task Description: For this task we had to watch the video and read a little book ,we then had to skim and scan for the key points. For the last slide we had to label the diagram. 

Friday, 10 April 2020

Easter Learning Journey Day 10 Weeks Activity 1,2,3!!

Week 2 Day 10 Activity 1

  • One thing that I really Hope will happen today is the Doctors or who ever figures out a Cure for Covid-19. Why Don't you just wish that it will go away? Well its always better to have a medicine so if the virus comes again we will all be ready, and nothing will have to shut down or the whole city has to go emergency shopping. I really want Covid-19 to be over because seeing our people past away is very hard and upsetting. 

  • The second thing I hope will happen is school starting very soon. I know COVID-19 is still here but staying at home is very boring. I also miss school so much because im always happy and entertained , laughing with my friends and making jokes. 
Task Description:
For this task we had to explain 2 things that we  are hopeful for today. We also had to write a little explanation about it.
Week 2 Day 10 Activity 2
🥳 ðŸ¤”🤯
I choose the first emoji because I was so excited to complete this task in time. I was also excited that there was a Week 2 for Easter Learning Journey. I choose the second emoji because it really made me think and made my brain hurt a little because the more I start to learn New things The more my brain will hurt , but its worth it. The third and final emoji represents my brain blowing up because these facts in the actives are very interesting and entertaining. 
Task Description: For this task we had to choose 3 emojis that represents how we felt this week about the Easter Learning Journey. We then had to explain why we choose those emojis. I hoped you enjoyed this task and I hope it put a smile on your face.
Week 2 Day 10 Activity 3
Task Description: For this task we got to pretend that we were able to send a message to the whole of Glen Innes. I decided to send that message above because off everything going around the globe.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Easter Learning Journey Day 9 Activity 1 Week 2

Day 9 Activity 1 Week 2
Task Description: For this task we had to explain what we do on Easter breaks. We also had to add pictures for more details. I really enjoyed this task , unfortunately we couldn't do it this week because Of Covid-19 .

Stay Home Save Lifes Were all in this Together God Bless you all!!

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Easter Learning Journey Day 8 Activity 1 Week 2

Day 8 Activity 1 Week 2
Task Description: For this task we had to write down where we would go to along with the village or town , what to pack and who to go with. Here is my completed task. I hope you all enjoy.

Stay Home Save Lifes Were all in this Together God Bless you all!!

Easter Learning Journey Day 7 Activity 1 Week 2

Day 7 Activity 1 Week 2 
Task Description: For this task we had to list the cultures in which our family connect to we then had to find out what is the capital city, population, climate of the countries our families come from? And post it on our blog.
I would love to go to Hawaii now when i'm a bit older because I can understand and know whats going on around me. I have been to Hawaii for 1 day and let me tell you this it was a blast , we only stayed there for one day because we had a flight the next day to LA in America. We had to take another 3 hour flight to San Francisco then took another 4 hours to drive to Sacramento California which is where we stay. But I would really love to go Hawaii because because its like a island and country together

Monday, 6 April 2020

Day 6 Week 2 Activity 1 Easter Learning Journey

Day 6 Week 2 

Task Description: For this we had to complete a family tree by filling in all the names of my family.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Day 5 Easter Learning Journey

Day 5 Activity 1
Task Description: For this task we had to Create a poster that shows 3 key quotes that we have heard our family say since being in Level 4 alert.
Day 5 Activity 2

Task Description: For this task we had to select from this collection, 3 emojis that show how you’ve found this week’s Easter Learning Journey!
Day 5 Activity 3
Task Description:
For this task I had to write a message to NZ only using 10 words. So my 10 word were Stay Home Safe Lives Stay Strong were in it TOGETHER.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Day 4 of Easter Learning Journey

My House
After  Look just added study room
                                                              Task Description:
For this task we had to Draw a floor map of our property and immediate surroundings.  This is the house that I am in for a while because of this lock down. The only thing I want to change his the bathroom and the toilet, I would rather put that in between bedroom 1 and 2 and put a little study room there. I want a study room there because it will be easy distracting especially when your family is watching movies and plying board game in the living room.

Friday, 3 April 2020

Easter Learning journey Day 2 and 3

Day 2 Activity 1

Task Description: For this task we got to recreate the New Zealand flag. I Decided to do this flag because it is different from Australia flag. Why should it be different you ask? Well New Zealand and Australia flag are very very similar the only difference is , in the Australian flag there are six white stars while New Zealand flag had four Southern Stars that are red. The only thing I wanted to change is the the flag was the Union jack thing in our flag because I really think that the fern represents New Zealand well. Also because the word fern is said almost in every sports team , for an example Black Ferns , Silver Ferns etc.
Day 3 Activity 1
Task Description: We had to go to the links provided for Rangitoto, Karekare and Tane Mahuta and write in a blog post along with your map about which one place you enjoyed visiting the most today.
Yes,this one was rushed because I was very busy ,I would've did it tomorrow but it kept bugging me, I will post 4 and 5 tomorrow. Sorry

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Easter learning Day 1


Description For my Necklace: The necklace above represents my great great grandma. How? you ask. Well ,before she passed away she gave it to her daughter which is my nana mum. She wore it in memory for her mother. My nana's mum had diabetes and sadly past away because of that , She said that she knew it was time and gave it to my nana. My nana held and wore it for a while. My nana had five kids she gave it to all of them starting from the oldest to youngest which is my mum. Time went by and finally my mum had my siblings and I. So she gave it to my older brother then from there it went down and down , I waited so patiently and FINALLY got it. I held it for six years and sadly had to give it to my younger sister who currently wears it for now. 
All About Me
Greetings to you all my name is Sonnia and I am 12 years of age. I am a year 8 at Pt England school. I have six amazing teachers in our block, Miss Tapuke, Whea Kelly ,Mrs Stone , Mrs Ilaoa , Mrs Moala and Mrs Tele’a. My favorite hobby is playing sports. I play touch, cricket ,rippa rugby ,rugby ,tag, netball and volleyball. I have a lot of sibling and I love food. I enjoy playing with my friends and laughing as well as making jokes with them all the time. My goal for this year is to make my family and teachers proud because it's my last year!
Day 1 Activity 2 
Task Description: For the the second task we had to go this Website which is a NZ tourism page and pick out 3 interesting facts we learnt. We then had to write what we learnt but in our own words , and then we basically post it on our blog as a second post!
                                                                     Day 1 Activity 3
Task Description: For the third task for Day 1 we had to go on this Website . we had to watch and pick out our 3 favorite activities we would like to do. We then had to give a list and a little explanation.
I am very Sorry for tha late post I have been busy , but I will post Day 2 and 3 tomorrow.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Pulse Rates

WALT: To make sure all group members participate

Task Description: For this task we were on the mat trying to figure out which of the pulse rates are  greater before and after the run. When were done on the mat we had to complete a task that was given by our teacher. 

Monday, 9 March 2020

My Visual Mihi

Task Description: For this task we had to write a little bit about our selfs. On the top left I wrote family because they mean a lot to me. Next to it I wrote church because they are like my other family , the two flags are my cultural.Then for the last one I wrote sport because that is my favorite hobby.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Te Taha Whanau

Today we learnt about Te Taha Whanau, Which means Relationships with family or friends. Today I wrote about My Mum , Nana , brothers , sisters and dad. For my mum I wrote that she was Supportive because she always supports me in everything including a sport. I also wrote down Helpful and funny , every time I am feeling upset she will always be helpful and say one of her funny jokes and cheer me up. For my Nana I wrote down Amazing , encouraging and loving because she teaches me about mu cultural and my identity. For my brothers/Sisters I wrote down very funny, caring and over protective ,sometimes my brothers are very over protective to me because they think I would make a bad decision. I wrote down Funny , kind and protective for my dad because he is just amazing and loving.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

What makes a good writer?

Walt: Explore the traits+behavior of a good witter

Mata I pusi

WALT: ask questions about a text to develop a deeper understanding of it

Task Description: For this task we had to read a book ,understand it and complete a task that was given by our teacher.

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

What does GREAT GROUP WORK in MATHS look and sound like?

WALT: To work together (collaboratively)

Task Description: For this task we had to work together as a group to complete a math task. We also played against other people in our math class. After all the fun we had to complete a task that was given by our teacher and simply post it on our blog.

Who is Ihimaera?

WALT: work collaboratively to make sense of a text

Task Description: For this task we had to read and study about the amazing Ihimaera. We then had to complete a task that was given by our amazing teacher. I enjoyed doing this task as it makes me excited for more coming later on.

Sunday, 12 January 2020


Activity 1: Fashion forward [4 points]

Coco Chanel was a French fashion designer from the early 1900s. She was very influential because she designed clothes for women that were beautiful, but also comfortable and practical. Before Coco came along, European women wore corsets which pulled in their waists, and dresses that had lots of lace. Coco Chanel introduced a completely new style, influenced by men’s fashion - trousers (pants), monochrome (black and white) fabric, and looser tops.

Twenty Seven Names is a contemporary (current) New Zealand fashion label that is also influential. The founders of the company are two friends, Rachel Easting and Anjali Burnett. Rachel and Anjali met when they were at primary school. When they left school, Anjali studied fashion design and Rachel studied art, before they set up their own business designing and making clothing. Where possible they employ young women and they keep as much of their production (making) in New Zealand as possible.

For this activity, please read this article about where some famous New Zealand brands got their names from. Brand names are very important to companies as this is how they are known.
On your blog, tell us how Twenty Seven Names got their name. Looking at their clothing brand, tell us whether you think this is a good name for them, or if they should change it to something else!
The label name is a homage to the 27 people who have supported their business along the way. I think its a good name because it's different from all the rest and it truly must mean a lot to those 27 people.
Activity 2: Try Your Own Tapa [4 points]

Fatu Feu’u is a Samoan artist who lives in Aotearoa/New Zealand. He is mostly known for being a painter but he also creates sculptures, pottery, prints and glass works.

As an artist, Fatu Feu’u is primarily influenced by tapa cloth (siapo) patterns from Samoa, as well as tatau (tattoo), weaving, carving, and mask designs.

Many Pacific Islands have their own versions of tapa cloth. In Tonga it is called the ngatu, in Fiji - the masi, in Niue - the hiapo, in the Cook Islands - the tapa, and in Hawaii - the kapa. You can learn more about tapa cloth here.

For this activity please create your own tapa cloth design. You can draw your design on paper or using a drawing app such as Google Draw.

On your blog, post an image (photo or screenshot) or your tapa design and describe what each part of your picture represents (means).

Here are 3 of the Ngatu that I helped do , the 1st and 3rd one is the one I did on my own and the second photo is where I helped my nana do hers. There a tons more that we have stashed but I just wanted to show these three. We love Making Ngatus as well as making memories and sharing laughs. I only wanted to do it because they weren't so big like the normal ones they were a perfect size for me and what I wanted to design on it. The first one I decided to do anything but the second and third one is gonna be given as a gift because the people we are giving it to deserve it , they treasure us a lot. So the 2nd and 3rd one if a gift to a beautiful bunch of people.
Activity 3: Top Secret Street Art [6 points]

Banksy” is an influential artist from England. He is very private and secretive. In fact, almost no one knows who he really is - he always creates his art in secret! Banksy often uses stencils to create his street art.

Street art, or graffiti art, is all around us. Sometimes the art tells a story, sometimes it makes a building look more interesting, and sometimes it makes us think hard about something. In 2011, the city of Christchurch experienced a huge earthquake. A lot of the central city buildings fell down. It takes a long time to rebuild a city, and there are areas of Christchurch where buildings are still damaged and/or need to be rebuilt. Street artists in Christchurch have seen this as a chance to create artwork that helps to make the city beautiful again. You can see lots of amazing street art in Christchurch at the moment! Here is a site that shows you where to find it.
Task Description:
For this activity, we had to take a look at the Christchurch street art website and choose two different pieces of artwork. We then had to look at both pictures carefully and identify similarities and differences between the two.

Activity 1: The World of Hip Hop [4 points]

Parris Goebel has taken over the world of dance! You might already have heard of her as she is pretty famous in New Zealand and around the world.

Parris was born in Manurewa, South Auckland, and she is of Samoan/Chinese/Scottish descent. Parris loved dancing when she was very little and she began hip-hop lessons when she was 10. By the age of 15 she was so good that she started her own all-girl dance crew called ReQuest, and they went on to win several first places at the World Hip-Hop Championships.

Parris later started The Palace Dance Studio in Auckland, and formed five more dance crews that won competitions worldwide. She has also worked as a choreographer for famous musicians like Justin Beiber, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, and Janet Jackson. In 2019, Parris and her new dance crew, The Royal Family, won the World Hip Hop Dance Championship.

For this activity, watch this video of their award winning performance. What do you like about the performance? What did the dance crew do well? What could they work on?

On your blog, write a review of The Royal Family performance. Please talk about the dance, dancers, costumes, and the music. What did you like? What didn’t you like as much? What do you think could have been improved?
OMGGGG!!!! I am so speechless because that dance was so amazing , they are all blessed with a beautiful talent that I want but obviously don't have. There performance was outstanding and they really do deserve first place. I loved the music that they choose , it was very upbeat and very hyping, if I was in the crowd I will probably start dancing ( if I can LOL ). Lets just be honest they don't need to work on anything , they are a fantastic group , every thing was perfect.
Activity 2: En Pointe [4 points]

Most successful ballerinas start learning ballet when they are very young - 3 or 4 years old. World famous ballerina, Misty Copeland, wasn’t like most other girls. Instead of starting at age 3, she started ballet lessons at age 13!

By 14, Misty had won a national competition for ballet dancers. She continued to work very hard and, in 2015, she became the first African Amercian principal (lead) dancer of the Amercian Ballet Theatre - this is amazing because there were, and still are, very few African American ballet dancers in the country. When interviewed, Misty has said that she would like people to be able to “see dreams through me”. This is an example of an inspirational quote. Please click on this link to read more inspirational quotes.
I really Like the 4th quote. Why? The fourth quote isn't Conducted to me, it's conducted to some of my friends. I really enjoyed this quote because every time me and my friends have a game of competitive sports, They turn into a different person, taking the game literally and trash-talking other players. That is really why I like and enjoy this quote.

Task Description:
For this activity, we had to choose our favourite inspirational quote from this website.  Then create a text graphic using this quote.
Activity 3: Concluding the Journey [6 points]

Sadly, the Summer Learning Journey has now come to an end. It is time to reflect on everything that you have learned this summer about people who have had an impact, or changed the world, in some way.

For this activity, please reflect on your experience with the Summer Learning Journey programme this year.

On your blog please tell us:
Which activity you enjoyed the most
Which activity you enjoyed the least
Three things that you learned while completing the programme
What changes/improvements you would make to the programme for next year

That is all for the Summer Learning journey but I will still be posting.

Saturday, 11 January 2020



Activity 1: Talk Show Host [4 points]

Oprah Winfrey is a bit of a television legend! She is best known for her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show which ran for 25 years. Some people have said that she is one of the most influential women in the world. She is certainly very successful and has spent a lot of time helping others.

Like so many others, Oprah had to work very hard for her success. She had to overcome challenges and she experienced many struggles during her life, however, she persisted and eventually became a radio presenter, TV news presenter, and daytime talk show host. She now owns her own production company (HARPO), and television station (OWN). She also produces a magazine called ‘O.’

Oprah is passionate about education. She believes in the power of learning and has even started her own school in South Africa called The Oprah Winfrey Leadership School for Girls. She is keen to provide young people with opportunities to follow their passions.

For this activity, we would love to know more about your interests (passions) and your future plans. What do you think that you would like to do when you are older? Do you have a specific job in mind?
On your blog, please tell us about your future plans (i.e. what you plan to do when you finish high school or college). Would you prefer to start working right away or to continue with your studies?
Once I finish College I am gonna go to university and study more about doctors because that is my dream job for the future. I want to be a doctor because I want to safe lives and see happy smiles on peoples faces. I would also want to be a doctor because you get lots of money and it just means a lot to me.
Activity 2: Plot Points [4 points]

Lupita Nyong’o is a Mexican-Kenyan actress. She spent most of her childhood living in Kenya, Africa with her family. She is one of six children.

When she graduated from high school, she decided to move to the United States of America to follow her dreams of becoming an actress. She was cast in her first American film, East River, in 2008. She went on to write, produce and star in a number of films, including Black Panther and 12 Days a Slave, for which she won the 2013 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress (otherwise known as an ‘Oscar’). Not only did Lupita win the Oscar but she was the first ever Kenyan and/or Mexican woman to win the award. Amazing ‘eh?!

Over the past few years Lupita has continued to act, she has earned a masters degree from Yale University and has written a children’s book called Sulwe. She has also written and produced her own movies.

Task Description:
For this activity, We had to imagine that we had the chance to write our own movie. What would it be about? Who would be your main characters? What are the important events that would take place? On our blog, we had to provide a synopsis which is a overview of our movie.
Activity 3: Feast or Famine [6 points]

Julian Dennison is a very funny guy! He is from Lower Hutt, near Wellington. He is only 17 years old but he has already starred in a number of movies and TV commercials. You may have seen him on Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Deadpool, or in the Lynx ads.

Julian is not only a funny actor. He recently joined up with World Vision to be a 40 Hour Famine Ambassador. He travelled with World Vision to Uganda to meet some of the refugees from South Sudan who are living there. Check out this video.

For this activity, we would like to know if you would consider doing a 20 or 40 Hour Famine to raise money for charity.

On your blog, tell us whether, or not, you would participate in 20 or 40 Hour Famine. If you have already participated in a 20 or 40 Hour Famine, please share your experience, including why you decided to participate and some highlights and challenges of the experience. To get full points, please provide at least six sentences.
I would love to join the 40 Hour Famine because I can raise money for charity and that charity would be for the kids. I would also raise money to send them some food and supplies. It really puts a smile on my face and others to see Julian Dennis there giving supplies. I can just imagine myself having no food and starving , then I remember my other brothers and sisters out there are also suffering because they don't have food. Food is very important because without food you could die. My answer for this task would be yes I would love to join because it would mean a lot to me to raise money and give it to a charity for kids.
Sorry I haven't been posting I have been very busy lately , but 6 activity's coming your way tomorrow.